RGX 2012 - Trip Report

June 14 - June 23

Day 6 - Tuesday, June 19

Camera Report

Written for the Winter 2012 Edition of The Dispatch


Dawn on Day 2 was just as pretty as the previous. I got to the Bunkhouse on time and got busy. By the end of the day I had the nodes built in the lab, but they still needed to be licensed and configured.


Another issue to be dealt with was the Public IP addresses. John purchased a block from Windstream, but we had no hardware to route those IP's on the railroads' network. Warren and Linda Erdman (Chroniclers for the Friends) helped us out by stopping in Pagosa Springs to pick up a router and switch.  THANKS GUYS!!


Windstream tech support helped me figure out how our IP block was routed on their network and we were one step closer to going live. In fact, when we finally turned on the cameras in September, they were instantly live on the internet because this little issue was already solved.


By days' end I got the mounting plates for the antennas and cameras placed on the Tipple. The view up there is extraordinary and I count myself as very fortunate to have experienced it.


Please let me know if you find mistakes - RioGrandeDude  @ SmittysHouse.net


487 takes on coal

The IT Lab / Log Bunkhouse



484 seen from inside the freight warehouse.

*Note the "circus sign" above the door from the movie: Indiana Jones

and the Last Crusade

Roger Hogan mounts a video camera on the pilot of 484

The Engineer/Fireman School train departs Chama

487 heads out of town with Train 216

Fire Patrol


Joe added the antennas to the node on the Bunkhouse


At one point that morning, I climbed up on the Tipple to mount the camera and antenna brackets. John Engs and Bob Ross watched from the ground. They really looked nervous. =)

Yours truly on the Tipple

A unique view of The Swamp


Train 215 with 489 on point



This is just AWESOME!


I count myself as extremely fortunate to have been able to see this. Truly incredible!





Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10